Digita Data Quality Check errors
Registered number
A company's registered number must be in a valid Companies House format, which is either 8 numbers, or 2 letters followed by 6 numbers.
Email address
A valid email address needs to include at least one dot after the @ and cannot contain any of the following.
- Spaces.
- Single or double quotes.
- More than one @.
- More than one dot before the @.
Tax reference
The Unique Tax Payer Reference needs to be in a valid HMRC format of 10 digits.
VAT number
A VAT registration number must be in a valid HMRC format, which has a country code of 2 letters followed by 9 digits.
The 9 digits need to be arranged in a block of 3, a block of 4, then a block of 2. For example, GB123 4567 89.
The spaces between blocks of digits can be replaced by hyphens. For example, GB123-4567-89.
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