Upload your documents

Some of the To-Do tasks that your accountant assigns to you may require you to upload documents. You may also get a document request from your accountant in the form of an email with a link in it.

Upload documents in Client Centre

  1. Open the task in Client Centre.
  2. Select Browse for File.

    Note: You can also upload documents from third-party cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Box.

  3. Choose a document file and select Open.
  4. Some tasks might have multiple steps that each require you to upload a document. Select Next to go to the next step.
  5. When you are finished, select Mark as Complete. You'll then see the task in the Completed list.

If you need to upload any more documents after completing the task, you can do so on the Documents screen.

Upload documents using email link

  1. Select the link in the email.
  2. Select Browse for File.
  3. Choose a document file and select Open.
  4. If the request asks for more than one document, repeat the previous two steps.
  5. Select Submit.